Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Tom says:

This term in theology, we looked at implementing the internet into theology. The first thing we did, was to start a website. This website contained blogs which we had written. Some of them were reflective of our lives, and the choices we had made in the last week. We then began a twitter feed which we put a variety of things on, not just theological things. We also looked at the Diocese of Oxford website, which gave us help in understanding religion. Ship of Fools was an experimental website that tried to incorporate humour into theology. You were able to buy a variety of strange products ranging from "Pope Soap on a Rope", to "Jesus loves you flip flops". Finally, we looked at 2nd life, and how we can incorporate religion in to a video game. We experienced a church service live with a real priest.

The virtual attempts at accessing religion were mainly flawed for me. The website worked pretty well, but it was hard to attract any attention to it as there are many more like it out there. Twitter was more widely seen, as it is more popular, but people were tweeting more about the weather than about theology. Ship of Fools was certainly very good with incorporating humour, but I'm not sure how seriously people will take Christianity when they see a website like this. The Diocese of Oxford was very helpful, but it's very serious attitude may put off anyone seeing it. 2nd Life was a decent attempt at trying to have an international church service, but it was very glitchy and didn't always work. The technology needs to develop more before the internet can be fully incorporated in religion.

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