Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Kate's thoughts

This term, we have been looking at theology sites, such as second life- second life is a virtual world, it was not made purely for religious reasons, but as it is so similar to real life it includes religion, but as it's on the computer it can be depicted in new diffrent ways. we also looked at the ship of fools, this website looks at diffrent religious veiws using humour, this then led to a class debate on weather humour is appropriate in theology, where both groups had strong oppinions, and valid points. We also looked at the website of the diocese of oxford. We also used blogs and twitter to our religious views. These websites have all found ways of using the internet for theology. We also came up with our service using the computer and the internet. We saw and used diffrent ways of presenting theoloogy and religion, through humour, as well as traditional and informative.

We looked at virtual theology, the aim was to analyse what we thought about all the things we saw. We sarted by writting blogs and twitted feeds, to voice our own views on the world around us throught the internet, I think this is an obvious , easy, practicle and already well used, and there is a space for theology to be voiced over blogs and twitter. We then caried on to see what other people had written about theology on the internet, on the ship of fools website, we saw how people wrote about their veiws on theology through humour, it wasnt only atheist views, but religious people, taking the mick out of their own religions. I liked looking at second life, it showed us that we can look at things diffrently, ande it works being on the internet being avalliable to everyone. We then also looked at second life, it is a virtual life, and like real life it depictes religion in new and diffrent ways, although I thought this could be a new and inventive way of looking at religion, I thought the service seemed quite restrained, and not using all the resourses avaliable on the internet.

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