Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Katy's review of the term

This term we have done a lot on theology on the intanet, and the pros and cons of it. We tried blogging, and then came the trickier task  writing a tweet to explain the schools ucarist in only 160 charecters. We also discusted weather or not you could get the message across in only 160 charecters. I came to the conclusion that it was entirly posable to get an important message across in a tweet, because it was short, sharp, and you could only fit in the really important points in the tweet, for this reason it worked, because the reader was kept intrested and didnt get bored. In the third lesson we looked and reasearched about the oxford diasice, we all choose a subject from the diasice and wrote a report on it. We also looked at a video on youtube of a paster in texas who was preaching and thank God for the Car rally that was about to take place. One of or final lessons was on second life a vertual game based very much on real life. On second life we sat through a live service.

I think blogging and tweeting to do with theology works very well, because its a easy way to get a message across and anyone can see it no matter where there from, so i think its a good step forward for theologins. I also thought that diasice is a very good idea, anyone can look at it and find a way to get information on problems or new diffacultys in life. As for second life and the youtube preching video i dont think they work at all and i dont think theologins should venture down that path. I really didnt enjoy are online second life service as it was only talking and it missed out some of the key elements that i feel should be in a service, like the breaking of the bread and wine or the peace. I also felt like it was a slightly disrespectful way of worship, as the worshiper could sit in their own home and didnt really have to be concentrating on the service, i felt it wasnt the right way to worship.

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