This term in theology we have been learning about how theologians
can use the internet to study God. Firstly we blogged about everyday life and
how religion effected it, then we went on to twitter we discussed can
someone ever say anything of real value in 140 characters. We tried to describe
a School Eucharist in the space that twitter allows someone to write. The
third week we looked at the Oxford diocese, the diocese is a website that tells
you all about Christianity in the county of oxford, it is really
informative and can help you if you are trying to arrange your marriage and
other things like that. On the forth week we looked at a website called a ship
of fools, it sort makes fun out of religion, we discussed whether
humour can be used in religion to help younger people to understand it and
be interested in it. The following week we had a debate about it which was
very interesting to hear what other people thought about it.
Then we
had a lesson with our other theology teacher she showed us a website
called Second Life. It is a RPG, its like its name describes,
a second life. you can do all of the things you can do in life
you can walk around, talk to people and most importantly you can go to a
church service on it. We experience this first hand later on in the week; when
we went to a church service on it. The last week we discussed how you can
make Eucharist's more modern through the use of technology, we discussed
how the first theologians to use the internet did it and how priest were
using technology at the moment in their services. Then we had a
go at presenting our own eucharists to the rest of our class using technology
and the inter net to help us.
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