Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Aaron says:

In our theology lessons this term we have been learning about virtual theology. We have been shown many forms of religion on the internet. First we blogged about how religion affected our everyday lives. Secondly we used twitter to describe a school Eucharist. We had to try and do this in 140 characters. Thirdly we did the oxford diocese. This is basically a church magazine as a website instead. It was about marriage and stuff. In fourthly we did the ship of fools. This was about making you look at religion at a more less serious way. They had stuff that made religion more funny and we discussed about if it was useful to learn this way. In fifthly we did about second life. This was a virtual world where people could be in a made up world where you could go to church and talk to other people.

In general, virtual religion is a place for people to access from home. They do not have to go out of their house as all they need is a computer. Also it is for those who cannot be bothered to go out and talk to others about religion themselves, or experience it in real life. But it also opens a wide range for religion to be accessed wherever you are. It can help those who have serious problems and cannot move, and this can be a real benefit for them.

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