Friday, 20 January 2012

More Spiritual reflections!

This weekend I fell into the pond, I think thath this is a sign that I need to think more carefully about my actions before I carry them out and that prehaps testing the ice with your feet to see how thick it is not a great idea. This did not make my mum very happy either though so I tried to cheer her up by baking chocolate brownies so this is how I tried to apologise to her.  I also spent some time at the weekend emailing some of my old friends as I feel it is important to make sure I stay friends with them and not to lose strong friendships.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Spritiual reflections


As a group we have tried doing a “spiritual reflection” blog this week. We have just thought about things that we have done this week, and then tried to look at that through the eyes of a religious person to see how they may interpret the world around us, and what happens to us, in a religious manner.


This week I visited my first school concert. People get up on stage and using instruments or their voices they create music. It takes a lot of trust to be able to perform with people. To rely that they will add the right beat where needed and not fail. It takes faith and it's nice to see a group of people joining to listen to something they appreciate. It reminded me of a church or mosque where families and friends gather to respect what they believe in.


This week I have visited the school chapel twice for pause for thought and our weekly chapel service. We learnt some lovely hymns and joined together as a school to present our faithfulness towards God.

I played in a netball match for my club, we worked well as a team and had determination just like the determination we have at school during lessons, games and chapel and we support each other all the time, It’s a great feeling! I love the things I do during the week because of the people I am with, they make it very happy and put a smile on my face whenever i think about it, I think this should be the lifestyle of many more people and more would be happy.


In the last week, I have had an extremely strange time. Sometimes there have been very happy moments, like being with friends in my house, another house, activities or even outside of school. But then there have been sad moments as well. Going too far into a joke and ending up in someone’s else’s bad books for a while, losing 4 whole pounds just because I didn't take it upon myself to just find a decent wallet.

I wouldn't say I been the best that I can be, but I don't think that God is punishing for being too far past the boundaries of a joke or being careless with my pocket money. In my opinion He is always ready to forgive, you just have to be ready to forgive yourself. 

Kate P

On Saturday I went to go and see "war horse" with a few friends, war horse is about the first world war, part of the film shows us the men in the trenches in the Battle of the Somme, we see them run out to their death both trying to kill the others, we see the pain that they are inflicting on each other, when it is not their fight to have, After we see that terrible seen both trenches notice a horse in "no man’s land" and a man from both sides go out to save the horse, a German soldier and British soldier meet in the middle, they helped free the horse from the wire, they helped each other out, they were vowed enemies they were taught to hate each other, yet they didn’t want to, I think that this represents religious behaviour towards each other, they treated each other properly, and were friendly too, I think that is what religion from an ethics point of view is all about, to treat others as you'd like to be treated, a golden rule in most religions, shown when i went to go and see war horse.


Last week I found a penny on the floor. I feel that this is God rewarding me. But in other circumstances I got in trouble with some of my teachers so I feel that this is God trying to warn me. Good things and bad things happen to everyone

Hugh Johnston

For the past term my DT project had failed to work at a started that I deemed satisfactory, and despite many attempts it still did not work but only yesterday the 16th January my project worked. This in its self could be a teaching from god to state that if you persist at a task and stay determined to follow it through you will be rewarded. Through many teachings of jesses he states that you should never give up on anything whether it be faith or a simple task.


To think what we have compared to others, it is a privilege, our school, friends and family all help each other along our way in life. But God helps us from a different perspective. He encourages us and helps us do what we can to our best standard, he sometimes shows this through yourself, your actions, and maybe through others. Good and bad happens to everyone and it could lead to God praising you or me. For example, I might have won a match, maybe God has rewarded me and the others in the team from our hard working actions, or I might of failed a French test as something I have done has made God punish me. Everything we do God is watching and rewarding and punishing us to move on forward in life.


On Saturday I participated in a hockey match against Stowe, the final score was 8-0. To me the loss was due to us not being prepared enough or experienced enough. A religious person may think our loss was due to us not following the 10 commandments. e.g. we used God’s name in vain. A Muslim may think that we hadn't prayed 5 times that day or a Hindu may have thought that we had forgotten to comb our hair properly.


A few weeks ago my godmother had a baby. This baby was a gift to her from God and is a new life and brings joy to her that was sent from God. Also the baby could be a reward to her if she has been particularly holy and performed selfless and good deeds. God has sent her the baby and has bought happiness and has started a new chapter of her life.

Katy B

When I look around, at the world I see a beautiful place; full of different animals and different cultures. I don't know if I believe in God or if I’m religious, but some people believe God made the universe and everything around us. For me I don’t; I think its science but I love the idea that people do believe this and everybody has a different view. My belief has become even stronger recently due to all the talk of the hicksboson. I don't see in my eyes God and the creation of the big bang, being able to both be possible, as i know believe that in religion there was no big bang God created the world in 6 days. :)


Last Monday I tried a new food for the first time. I had checked everything about it to check whether it would be Ok for me with my allergies. It seemed to be fine. I think God showed me that I could explore more new foods that could be Ok for me. I tried it, it tasted amazing but I had to wait and see whether I reacted with it! I waited a while and I was fine! This shows me that I should be more adventurous and try more foods more often!


Last week my boiler broke down, and we had no heating in our house, apart from a stove fire downstairs, which only heated the sitting room. Luckily we have an electric oven and stove, so we could still cook the food. but I think this was God’s way of showing me, what it would be like to be one of the poorer people in the world, for example people who live in slums in Africa. Also because I always have it I take it for granted, so it was a way to show me how to be more grateful for what I have. and now I have it back i am very grateful for it and respect more for how my parents have worked to get us where we are today


This week, just like any other, differs from the rest as far as Spiritual Being goes. God has given us the cold and has shown us how much we appreciate the warm. However, the temperature is also a Blessing - the beautiful frosts and frozen trees create such a wonderful scene that is worth being cold just to see it

Emily C

When I go to an art gallery and see the big paintings I see the the lightness in one area and the darkness in the other the light area shows the good thing in life and the dark area shows bad thing, but without the dark the light would not be so bright. This shows that without the bad things in life then all the good things would not be in perspective


When I saw the stars last night I thought……. wow, God has made an amazing place that we always take for granted. Not often we get to appreciate the world we live in and yesterday i accidently stood on a flower, this made me feel really bad as it was like I am destroying gods beauty that he worked so hard to make. Because of this, tomorrow I plan to plant a new flower to make up for the flower i destroyed yesterday. As i believe every living thing (even flowers!)  should have a chance to prosper and shine.


This week as I was being pushed out of the dinner queues I started to think how big food is in everyone`s lives and cultures.

For example how most people measure there time in meals for example how staving African school children count down the hours till they get a morsel of food; or how a student stares impatiently at the clock waiting for the lunch bell to go. How Muslims have to fast for thirty days once every year until Ramadan or how Hindu's aren't allowed to eat beef.

Christians years ago used to be as strict as Muslims or Hindu's when they refused to eat meat on a Sunday or even before Jesus was born when we used to have Sabbaths. When Jesus was alive he told people not to fast on Sabbaths so technically it would mean that if Jesus was never born   or if we had a different messiah a lot things nowadays would be different (not just on the culinary approach). For example we could be as strict as other religions and be fasting or praying frequently at set times of the day


I have spent this week eating chocolate biscuits, gaining weight (from eating chocolate biscuits), playing the flute, wondering how I will manage to mess up my piece in the woodwind concert (from inability to play the flute), deciding that I will mess up my piece due to energy taking teachers in the woodwind concert, wondering how to get rid of an annoying teacher who has wondered into flute group who nobody wants there, trying to work out what to do about the energy taking proportion of the planet ie well over half of it, deciding that I should just leave it to karma unless I think of something  else (which is unlikely).

A religious person would probably look at my life and assume that I am on some kind of drugs or have a serious mental disorder. But I don't, and a more switched on religious person would realise that I'm just trying to sort out people’s lives, and if that means kicking them off the planet then so be it. The evidence they would have for this is that I am trying to decide whether or not I can save the world. They may suggest that a stronger connection with God may help this, but I would completely disagree. Just because I don't spend all my time in churches does not mean that I do not have a strong enough connection with God. God is in everything and this means that God is our world (or at least the part of it we haven't messed up).

Monday, 16 January 2012

Fr Michael asks that this week each member of the group blogs a "spiritual reflection" on their week. In other words have a think about what has happened to you in the last few days and see how a religious person might reflect upon it - how it might relate to religious beliefs and how it might be seen to teach us something about God, our universe, belief, the way to live our lives etc. It is a way of trying to "get under the skin" of religious people, seeing how they may be looking at their lives and the world in general.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Fr Michael is delighted to join in the blogging with his class, and hopes that he can keep up with them all

Thursday, 12 January 2012